Sunday, July 24, 2011

incase we left you hanging: we made it back.

i realize that its about 4 months later, but I like to finish things that i start, thus the blog was bugging me.
Here is one of the videos that we produced.
Music is licensed from simpleville music.


And here is the end of this blog.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

day 2. Praise the Lord, the AC works

thank you to all our readers... we know there are lots of you. Shout out to Kyle Power... our one follower. you rock. Lupe is sitting at the table with me [Janelle] he says he loves you.

And just incase we have more readers than kyle... here is an update for the general public. Love you mom...

Today was a day full of great things. Just to name a few: to start things off... No Earthquakes!, Lupe made a new best friend, his name is Omar and he's 4. the director of the clinic, Bruce, took our team on a tour of the city and we were able to film some of the richest and the poorest, and the AC in our car magically started working tonight on our way back from a children's ministry, lets just hope that we get to use it full blast tomorrow as temperatures are predicted to be in the high 90's.

We spent our morning in a village which the locals refer to as the Brick City. The majority of the people in this village spend their days producing bricks, in the middle of a dry trash infested area, which they make out of manure, hay and water and then heat them in their homemade kilns. We were able to talk to a man who was kind enough to let us film him as he worked in the heat of the day. He told us that on average he produces 800-1,000 bricks a day, mixing the water with hay and manure, laying them out, letting them dry, placing them in the kiln and then stacking them, repeatedly.

We ran into some technical difficulties in the afternoon as the computer kindly informed us that it would no longer store any information. DUN DUN DUNNNNN.... but we are working on that as I speak. Let's just say that the external hard drive and my computer aren't exactly the best of friends. It has been a hit and miss relationship. More updates on this situation to come.

Tomorrow we will be headed out about an hour away with the medical team to go to Trash City, an area described completely by its title, but we are determined to put faces to the name and find deeper stories than what meets the eye of the public. More to come.

Prayers Please!
1. The people that were treated today with the medical team
2. For the brick layers
3. That the people we come into contact with may not just see us as a group with a camera, coming to film them and then leaving, but that they will see our long term goals in the future come into play as the footage is sent all around to churches who will send teams out in the future to work at the different ministry sites.
4. Technical difficulties
5. That Lupe would be able to again find a new best friend tomorrow.

Shout out to our moms!

Monday, March 28, 2011

WE HAVE ARRIVED! and On-site day one

Before I begin, REST ASSURED THAT WE ARE ALIVE, after going through 4 earthquakes last night. Everyone is A-okay!

We crossed the Mexicali border yesterday afternoon after an awesome drive down the coast and into the "mountains" on highway 8, where Emily believes that they grow rocks. We also came across a plethora of solar panels and energy windmills in the middle of nowhere. After stopping for some lunch we finally came into Mexico and champed the drive to the clinic, only needing to make one U-Turn... Go Emily! A large group of girls gave us a grand entrance into Manos de Sanidad, quickly we realized that it was the Simpson Medical team, who had arrived the previous day. We spent the remainder of the evening meeting Bruce and his wife, getting the grand tour of the clinic and the destruction from the Earthquake that hit Mexicali almost a year ago and burnt down the dormitory on site.  Not to mention that we have also been enjoying the 75 degree weather. Emily, Christina and myself slept in a storage room in the clinic, while Lupe got the dentist office as his private suite. 

This morning we woke up and headed into a local village where the medical team set up a mobile clinic. The team has quickly picked up the tactics of the camera and it is exciting to watch them grow in their creativity and focus. Tiny dogs followed us as we walked out of the clinic area, which was set up with the small community park which contained a basketball court, and walked down the small dirt road, where we were able to see where some of the patients lived, the medical team treated 40 people total prescribing medicine, treating wounds and giving out eye glasses. We were able to film for 3 hours before our camera battery, party of 1, died, but then we were able to play with the local kids and Lupe was a huge help in translating for the community members trying to receive eye glasses, he has a new best friend named Margarita, she's 80.

Tonight we will be storyboarding and speaking with Bruce about what he would like to see in the films and brainstorming all of our ideas together, while also hopefully getting some shots around the clinic here. Tomorrow we will head out to another mobile clinic with the medical team to the brick city, and the next day to what the locals refer to as the trash city. 

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
                              Philippians 4:8

Saturday, March 26, 2011


We left Redding this afternoon during a freak hail/rain storm which we later found out turned into some snow fall. Packing the van was a wet task to say the least, trying to keep all of the equipment dry, Emily was so soaked that her clothes weighed about and extra 10 pounds. We packed up, gased up and headed onto the 5 only to find a rare sight... bumper to bumper traffic. The road was covered with hail as we passed by a man who had slipped off of the road in his hybrid, dont worry, he seemed to be just fine. Time passed quickly as we drove, making one stop for dinner, and we made our way to Stockton where we are now spending the night at Christina's house. We will hit the road tomorrow morning and make our way to Carlsbad. 

  "It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." -Exodus 31:8

We also received word from the other Mexico team from Simpson, that they have safely made it to Corona where they are staying for the night and heading over the border early tomorrow afternoon.  

Friday, March 25, 2011

About to head out

Well, its the night before we leave and anticipation is high for what is to come. We have raised our support through the amazing help of family and friends and are blessed by a donated vehicle to use for the 779 mile drive down to Mexicali, Mexico where we will be staying at the Manos de Sanidad Medical Clinic. For those of you who can't tell what we are doing by the name of this blog... we are Filming! and it's exciting. With a hope to be able to use media, one of the most powerful entities on Earth, as a positive outlet, we are driven to change the outlook of short term mission trips, so that we are each able to use whatever gift we have been given to the fullest, to change for the better, the Kingdom of God.

 "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work."
            [1 Corinthians 12:4-6]

We don't know what to expect and have no idea what kinds of stories we will hear, but we are excited for the opportunity to serve in this new way. There are 4 of us on the team, myself [Janelle], Christina, Lupe and Emily. We will travel down south, making a few stops along the way, and will arrive at the Mexico border Sunday morning. For all of you camera savvy people interested in what we are filming with,  we are going with the basics... A Canon Rebel T2i/550 D with a 50 mm fixed focal lens and a 28-135 mm zoom lens, a couple of flood lights, a Merlin Steadicam and a Rodemic. We will no doubt have to get creative in our shots and ways of going about filming, but we are determined to produce media that will fill the needs of the clinic and better yet, further the Kingdom. 

A final thought. In 1997 Apple computers in Los Angeles launched an advertising campaign "Think Different" which lasted until 2002. With an attention grabbing idea, the company broadcasted several commercials and print ads. Here's what they had to say:

"Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

Maybe we are crazy. 
More to come...